
Advertising – where to and why?


Where to and why?

Advertising – where to and why?

Advertising – where to and why?


We will provide comments on various forms of advertising and their benefits.


Advertising – where to and why?

If you are not advertising your business, you are limiting your potential to grow your reputation and profits. From traditional flyers, brochures and vehicle wraps to websites, social media and business cards, people discover – and are reminded of your brand – through clever advertising.

We recommend a combination of traditional and digital methods. By diversifying and balancing your ‘advertising spend’, your business will avoid alienating groups who don’t spend time online. Pepsi’s Refresh project acts as a cautionary tale here. They lost $350 million after withdrawing their traditional advertising budget from television adverts including the Super Bowl. Instead, they chose to focus solely on social media.

Are you keen to choose the right advertising methods for a positive ROI? Try these six ideas of where to allocate your advertising budget and discover why they work.


Flyers are an eye-catching way to attract local customers’ attention. Distributed either door to door or placed on your stand at trade and business expos, they are ideal for getting the word out about new and established businesses.

High-quality graphic design services will incorporate your brand identity and communicate:

  • A new business or product launch
  • An offer (temporary or ongoing)
  • Highlighted products and services
  • A coupon or QR code
  • Your contact details.

Getting your logo, colour scheme and brand message in front of potential customers, flyers are tangible advertising materials that the customer can save for later.

Including a unique offer code in their design also allows you to measure the success of this form of advertising. And with printing prices being budget-friendly, you can distribute them liberally to reach a wide range of potential customers.

Company brochures

Many sectors benefit from having a professional-looking, printed company brochure ready to hand to prospective clients and customers. Some examples include:

  • Car showrooms and parts suppliers
  • Hotels and conference centres
  • Wedding planners
  • Schools and universities
  • Construction companies.

Great for showcasing your products and variable options in detail, they are often given out to prospects who have already expressed an interest in your brand. For example, when given out at business exhibitions or events, they offer you a chance to pre-qualify and form a connection with those you have met in person. Relatively inexpensive, you are giving potential customers something that has staying power. They won’t flash by as internet ads do. Use them hand-in-hand with networking as a personable approach to promote your business.

On a practical note, customers can access your brochure wherever they are … no Wi-Fi or battery is needed here. Likewise, brochure printing will save you thousands every month over digital marketing approaches such as PPC. And there’s no need to stop at physical brochures. We can create digital versions for consistency.

Vehicle wraps

Another form of offline advertising, vehicle wraps have earned their keep within advertising. Literally wrapped around your company car or fleet – adding a layer of protection – they are highly visible as you or your employees drive around.

Super sleek and durable, vehicle wraps are seen every day by hundreds if not thousands of people. This means they work out at a low cost-per-view. They have the potential to reach new customers and lead to enquiries when nearby drivers, passengers and pedestrians see your design.

As a mobile advertisement, their “spontaneity catches people by surprise and demands more of their attention” than a static, familiar billboard that they drive past regularly.

Branded van covered in a vehicle wrap.


With 92% of adults in the UK using the internet in the 2021 census, there is every chance that your customer base will look up your business online. You have probably done something similar already this week. Take this opportunity to advertise what you do, and you will make a favourable impression.

Not only should it convey the essential information on About, Services, Products, Contact Us and any other pages. Cleverly designed websites (with great functionality) stand out for the right reasons.

With room to explain what you can deliver for your customers and clients, an attractive website will catch online visitors’ attention. Proudly present your values, products and services. Stand out from the competition by communicating your USP. What matters is the user’s experience of your brand. Your website doubles up as an advert. Failing to invest in a professional site design means you could effectively chase away potential sales.

Social media

Used and loved by millions of people around the world, you can supercharge your advertising reach via social media. Paid ads on various platforms allow you to hone in and target specific customers.

Here are just five types of ads available on Facebook:

  • Photo ads
  • Video ads
  • Stories ads
  • Carousel ads
  • Collection ads.

Ads are effective as you are effectively going to the customer and introducing yourself. They receive a personalised experience with products and services that interest them. Just remember to balance your online advertising with offline, to reach a wider audience. Being visible online today is non-negotiable when growing your business, especially if you aim to expand your customer or client pool.

Business cards

Easily portable, business cards are the ‘go-to’ stationery essential for practically every business event. They are bite-size billboards that you can give out when meeting others. Although small, you shouldn’t underestimate the positive contribution of business cards when advertising your business. Standard sizes will easily fit into people’s wallets or cardholders. Attach them to your written correspondence such as letters and company brochures, so people have your contact details to hand.

Business cards work because people can collect and store them for months if not years. Enhanced by sleek branding, a great design can persuade them to trust and choose what you offer. Plus, they know how to contact you as your card catches their eye.

BMM Networks Rebrand

Stay on-brand with professional advertising

Choose an award-winning full-service design agency with its finger on the pulse of what works. Our strong design and copywriting offers will enhance your advertising strategy. Call +44 (0)7740 348 521 or click here to start the process.

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