
Why you should link your website to your CRM

Linking to your CRM

Maximising your data collection.

Why you should link your website to your CRM

Why you should link your website to your CRM


We will provided guidance on the why you should link your website to your CRM to maximise your data collection.



Why you should link your website to your CRM

Syncing your website data to your CRM

Ever added an item to your online basket only to exit a website? Chances are you will receive a ‘Recovery URL’ afterwards. This is usually due to the site owners linking CRM to their website. Often shortened to CRM, the relatively new term ‘Customer Relationship Management’ describes the systems that simplify how you interact with your customers. Effective in terms of “marketing, sales, digital commerce and customer service”, the WP Fusion plugin is the bridge between your WordPress website and existing CRM systems such as Keap, ActiveCampaign and Hubspot. These are the three CRMs we use the most. So why should you follow our lead? Continue reading to discover 4 reasons why you should link your website to your CRM.

… But first, a little about WP Fusion

WP Fusion
This impressive plugin was released in January 2015. Today, it boasts about its “no-code solution to easily integrate your WordPress website with the services you use every day”. This means you can connect it to leading CRM services without a developer. Although, we are a friendly bunch should you require our web design and development services.

Whatever you decide, the benefits of linking your WordPress website to your CRM (via WP Fusion) include:

1. Refined customer profiling

Every business can profit from knowing its customers/clients and their purchasing habits inside out. Having your CRM synced with your website only deepens your understanding of them and their needs. With Hubspot, “WP Fusion’s intuitive field mapping system lets you connect any piece of user data on your site to fields inside HubSpot (including custom fields)”. From here you can gauge what they are likely to buy, acquire information with more detailed user data and profiles, as well as assess your audience’s lifetime values.

With the bigger picture assembled, you can boost the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Targeting existing and new markets – consumer or business in nature – becomes much less like guesswork and more like data-informed science. This can refine your marketing campaigns and save you money that would have gone on costly experimentation.

An alternative CRM worth linking to is Keap. This tool allows you to collect and segment strong leads and contacts. Feeling sociable? You can set up an automatic email after each lead visits your website. It’s targeted to them.

2. Boost your sales

There would be no business without sales. They’re the lifeblood of your company. Say hello to ActiveCampaign – a CRM tool we’d recommend linking with your website (using WP Fusion). Why would we recommend them? ‘Why wouldn’t we?’ should be the question.

They offer users predesigned ‘automation recipes’ or personalised email campaign ‘routes’ to maximise the impact of your CRM-website integration. Own an ecommerce site? Their ‘ecommerce sales drip and lead magnet delivery’ or ‘deal creation’ features will ensure few customers fall through the marketing cracks.

Also great for those who run a course through their website, ActiveCampaign’s ‘ecourse delivery’ is just what the commercially aware doctor ordered. Automated ‘member/non-member sales flow emails’ can create a buzz around attending your event. Potential customers will think you’ve gone the extra mile upon receiving these personalised emails – only you need to know differently.

Likewise, WP Fusion also lets your website work wonders with Keap. A CRM designed to “dramatically grow your sales and save time by eliminating business chaos”, you can trust it knows how to identify more leads. It can turn contacts into clients.

Converting abandoned carts into sales – whilst the iron is hot – helps you recover revenue that might have been lost without tailored emails. This ROI isn’t bad for simply linking your WordPress website to WP Fusion.

3. Saving valuable time

As you are more than aware, time is money when you run your own business. That’s why Keap’s ability to trigger automatic responses between Shopify and your website, is a business lifesaver. Having been in the business for more than two decades, its homepage promises to “engage more prospects and send targeted, automated follow up [emails] that convert them to steady customers”. The keyword here is ‘automated’. Note that all three of the CRMs discussed above will send automated responses.

The energy-sapping tasks of manually compiling all of your email enquiries, orders and customer data in one centralised location, is also a thing of the past. This frees you up to focus on other vital tasks and strategies. Think of Keap as an infallible assistant, always there to save you time.

On this subject, Shopodex identifies reducing admin costs as “a key benefit” of integrating a website with a CRM tool. It seems you can work smarter, not harder! CRM newcomers can rest easy too. Keap’s award-winning user-friendliness will support your business. Automation also avoids the risk of human error during the data entry stage.

4. Happier customers and clients

Having the ability to personalise the email journey and direct them through your website’s sales funnel, is another leading benefit of linking your site to a CRM via WP Fusion. With ActiveCampaign CRM, you’ll also find after-purchase follow-up emails ready to go. This personal touch could be the ticket to secure repeat customer loyalty. If nothing else, it delivers on your remit to provide excellent customer service and a ‘pain-free’ experience.

Keen to strengthen your relationship with customers and other leads? Connecting to Hubspot opens a world to many rewarding features including live chat (strike whilst the lead is red hot), sales automation and a meeting scheduler. Offering genuinely helpful customer-centred assistance through these three features, builds trust and can go a long way towards forming lifelong brand loyalty.

The alternative – taking your customers for granted – generally results in 68% of potential customers leaving your website due to a “perceived indifference” on your part. Be the company that cares, and those all-important sales will benefit.


Whichever of these three CRM you choose to link to your website, we’re confident that it will help refine your marketing acumen and levels of customer service. What’s more, your sales have the potential to climb whilst saving your business time and energy. Still undecided, or seeking website management services? Simply contact us for an informal discussion.

If you are enjoying this article please read our blog Why use premium hosting for your website? or Things to consider in a domain name all of which are important to reaching client and increasing sales/business opportunities.



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